Sufi Yoga
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Sufi Yoga & Healing
Elissa's Blogs
Book February 26 Online Sufi Yoga
Sufi Yoga
Sufi Yoga & Healing
Elissa's Blogs
Sufi Yoga & Healing
Elissa's Blogs
Book February 26 Online Sufi Yoga
All Categories - Elissa's Sufi-Yoga Site
Sufi Yoga Live Group Classes
Sufi Yoga Online Group Classes
Complimentary Freedom Session
Sufi-Yoga Private Sessions
Wellness Sessions
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Sufi Yoga Online Group Class
In the comfort of your own home, enjoy a explorative, relaxing, deepening awareness class to move from the outer to the inner resources of feeling sublime in your body, connecting with your breath and heart and entering into Divine transcendence.
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Women's Sufi Yoga Live Playshop - Saturday , December 7 2024, 11am to 1:30 pm
The All-Encompassing Divine Heart Playshop<br>Let's come together to celebrate each other and dive deep into the heart to expand into the All-Encompassing One.<br>Breathing, yoga, Sufi qualities meditation in a circle.<br>Then a short introduction to "Dance the Story" - A transmutational experience not to be missed.<br>The we eat together. potluck meal together. Please bring something to share. <br>Spaces are limited.
$25.00 - $30.00
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Spring Forward Special: Half Hour Online Spiritual Coaching
Dive deep into this Prophetic Healing half-hour session to experience guidance from within to help you gain clarity in difficult situations, calmness amidst a storm and a deeper knowing of your true connection to the Divine. One session per new client.
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Book a Complimentary 15-Minute Freedom Session
Get started with a free 15-minute session to see how healing and coaching sessions can help you.
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Sufi Healing or Coaching Session - $125 Single Session and Discounted Packs
Using ancient Prophetic techniques to dive deep into the heart, you will discover a connection to your own Divine guidance that will never fail you. As we journey through the healing, you purify and heal any stains on the heart and discover how fast change can happen once aligned with your Fitra, or Divine Purpose. On Zoom or In-Person in my home studio.<br><br>Want to work on a specific goal? Consistent sessions will help you maintain the momentum to reach for the stars.
$125.00 - $1,050.00
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Personal Private Sufi-Yoga Sessions
Book a private Sufi-Yoga session for more attention to your specific needs and issues.<br>Special! Four session package: $350<br>On Zoom or in-person in my home studio.
$95.00 - $350.00
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Raindrop Massage with Essential Oils
Enjoy a gentle but amazing massage technique from Tibet and Lakota Indians. In Raindrop, I use at least 10 essential oils to invigorate you, stimulate your natural immunity and help you release tension and pain.<br><br>In-person in my home studio.
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When you receive a Harmonyum treatment, you awaken a dormant consciousness and merge with the Truth. When you merge with the Truth, you find yourself. When you find yourself, you find God. In this way, Harmonyum is an initiation into the Divine life that brings healing and bliss. With Harmonyum, the positive forces of nature flow through you to connect you with the unbounded Cosmic Circle of Great Beings. In person only.
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Hijama Wet Cupping
Hijama is wet cupping, which releases stagnant blood that causes pain and blockages. It stimulates faster recovery from injuries. It is also a deeply holy spiritual treatment to remove emotional blocks, trauma and negative energies.<br><br>In my Sufi-Yoga studio only. Please connect with me first to determine if you are a good candidate for this treatment.
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Women's Sufi-Yoga and Dance Playshop
Join with your beloved sisters in a deep stretch, breathwork, Sufi meditation and dance to move you through the aches to experience your divine light and true joy.<br><br>SPACE LIMITED FOR A MORE INTIMATE GATHERING.<br><br>Please RSVP or ask questions at More information will be sent to you. Looking forward to playing together! <br>Love, Elissa Amina<br>
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Ericksonian Hypnosis Session
Ericksonian Hypnosis describes a very specific form of hypnosis. Unlike traditional hypnotherapy, Ericksonian hypnotherapy uses indirect suggestion, metaphor and storytelling to alter behaviour, rather than direct suggestion. Milton Erickson is considered by many as "the father of modern hypnotherapy". Getting a session can help you move through difficult issues, by circumventing unconscious blocks to success and healing.<br>On Zoom or In-Person
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Brain Balancing
Earth Activation Brain Balancing is a natural Native American healing system that helps you ground into the powerful, nourishing mother earth energy to heal and clear any blockages. Great for headaches, tension and gaining clarity and purpose.<br><br>In-person only.
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Raindrop Massage with Prophetic Healing or Harmonyum
Combine Raindrop massage with Prophetic Healing or Harmonyum for a transformational experience into mind, body, spirit balance.<br><br>In person only.
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